Bug fixes and improvements
Users are now able to manually reset the step count for recipients, providing greater control over the email sending process.
Promotion dynamic content fields are now correctly shown in SMS stored copies, activity exports (extended PDF), and list communication copies, ensuring comprehensive data representation.
Conditions on propositions no longer return 0 recipients for “Get population” in Promotion Rules, ensuring accurate population counts for rule-based conditions.
Side Effects are now allowed on the fixed event ‘Unsubscribe,’ providing users with more flexibility in managing subscription-related actions.
Users can now successfully search for webhooks in the Data module, improving the accessibility and management of webhooks.
In the Promotion Content Editor, the Save button is no longer pushed off the screen when creating a new promotion with a long list of promotions, ensuring a more user-friendly editing experience.
Users can now send blank values in the EMAIL field to Facebook Custom Audience, providing flexibility in audience targeting.