Events in Agillic serve two primary purposes. You can track actions with Events and also trigger actions. Each Event has a starting value of 0 (for each recipient).
In this article, you'll find information about:
- Event 'Reset'
- Events Used For Tracking
- Reporting on Event Data
- Events Used for Triggering Actions
- Events in Activity Export
Each time an Event is activated, the value goes up by one (for the individual recipient). Therefore, you're able to track the number of times an Event takes place and set up actions that trigger after a given number of activations.
Event 'send_coupon' configured to execute a Flow when triggered the first time
In the example above, we've created an Event named 'send_coupon'. We've attached this Event to an external link in an email, directing the recipient to our website. Next, we configured an Event to execute a second Flow. The second time they click the link, the second Flow will not execute because the Event now has a value greater than 1.
Event 'Reset'
By enabling the 'reset' functionality, we can reset the event counter back to 0, after the event was triggered x amount of times.
In the example below, we want to trigger the side effect each time our event 'send_comment' is triggered. Therefore, we have configured it to reset back to 0, the first time it is triggered.
The 'After day(s)' allows us to further customise this, by defining that after being triggered once, it should wait x amount of days before resetting.
An event configured to reset immediately after being triggered once
Events Used For Tracking
Links in outbound communication direct recipients through to Agillic before redirecting them to their final destination. This allows Agillic to track traffic and trigger Actions based on behaviour.
When creating a link, Agillic will generate and attach an Event by default. This Event is typically named 'Event' followed by a space and a timestamp.
A link with no Event at all has no tracking. You may want to either rename the automatically generated Event or create a new Event with a more memorable name.
External Link in an Email with an Event attached for tracking purposes
Reporting on Event Data
You may have noticed that a Condition type 'Event' exists. This allows you to build Target Groups locating recipients who've activated a specific Event.
In the example below, we're looking back at our email send out containing the 'send_coupon' link. As the default value of the Event is zero, we simply have to build a Condition that says: 'Event "send_coupon" is greater than 0'.
Target Group locating all recipients who have activated the Event 'send_coupon' one or more times
Events Used for Triggering Actions
You may have come across Side Effects in the articles All You Need to Know About Steps where they're used as part of Flows. Much like Steps, Events can be configured to update Data Fields or execute flows.
We're creating a double opt-in campaign and have created three Person Data fields for this purpose. This ensures that the recipient must actively confirm their sign-up by clicking the link in the opt-in email. We won't set the Email Permission to true until the address has been confirmed so it's definitely a deliberate sign-up.
- A permission (true/false) field for determining whether the address is confirmed or not.
- A timestamp for saving exactly when the 'confirm my address' button was clicked.
- A timestamp for saving exactly when the 'email permission' was modified.
Event configured to update two Person Data timestamps and a Person Data boolean
Events in Activity Export
The following table describes the event specific fields you can expect when exporting event activity.
Field name | Description |
Recipient ID | Displays the unique identification of the recipient who triggered the event |
Event | Name of the event triggered |
Channel | Displays which channel in Agillic the event was triggered from |
Template | Displays the specific email the event was triggered from |
Event Timestamp | Shows the date and time of the event trigger |
Counter | Shows the event triggered count for that recipient |
Promotion | Name of promotion which the event was triggered from |
Proposition | Displays the proposition where the event is inserted |
Flow execution ID | Displays the execution ID from the flow that sent the communication where the event was triggered from |
Context | Will show the context in which the event was triggered. Can contain context relations to GDT, OTM, Lookups and Promotions. |