Side Effects allow you to automatically update data fields when certain actions take place. For example, a recipient could click on an 'Unsubscribe' link in an email which updates their Person Data field UNSUBSCRIBE to true. This automatic response is called a Side Effect.
Side Effects are commonly used in Flows to update Person Data fields which control recipient's direction through future Flows. For example, you could also update the value of a Person Data TIMESTAMP to stop a recipient entering a different flow for a given number of days. It could also be used for analytic purposes, noting that a recipient completed a step at a certain time and on a certain day.
Side Effects Available to Events, Person Data, and Global Data
Side Effects are commonly attached to Events, Person Data, and Global Data. The available Side Effect options are:
- Insert Person Data
- Is set to
- Is incremented with x (if field is a NUMBER field)
- i.e. with each activation, the targeted Person Data field has its numerical value increased by 1 for the specific recipient
- Is cleared
- Insert Global Data
- Is set to
- Is incremented with x (if field is a NUMBER field)
- i.e. with each activation, the targeted Person Data field has its numerical value increased by 1 for the specific recipient
- Is cleared
- Execute Flow (This is the same as on the flow, expanding the 'Trigger' panel and selecting the Event as a trigger)
Enabling Side Effects on an Event
Side Effects on Flow Steps
You can also use a Flow Step to execute Side Effects. This means that data values are updated when recipients successfully pass through the Step.
Available options are:
- Update Person Data
- Is set to
- Is incremented with x (if field is a NUMBER field)
- Is cleared
- Update Global Data
- Is set to
- Is incremented with x (if field is a NUMBER field)
- Is cleared
- Update One-to-Many Table
- Update field of specific row
Increment the value of the field RANK in the One-to-Many table 'SUBSCRIPTIONS', for the first row with 'True' in ACTIVE, based on the ascending values in END_DATE
Learn more about Flows
Learn more about flow Steps