We have streamlined the navigation items so that old spaces have been removed and other navigation items have been consolidated into more meaningful dropdowns. Customers will experience a modified navigation on the top bar of the platform.
- Channels have been streamlined with channels only.
- Image and files, library blocks, text resources, web applications and templates have been grouped under assets.
- Promotion rules and content have been grouped under the same dropdown.
Configuration of App Channel
We have improved the Configuration UI for App Channel in Settings. It will now show the verification of the App setup and error messages when the App is not verified.
We have added columns to provide customers with an overview of whether the configuration for Android, iOS and their respective tokens has been set up correctly.
Language Versions in App Channel
We have added Language Versions in order to give customers the possibility to add, manage and switch between different language versions in their app messages.
Tracking on All Content in Data-Based Blocks
Whenever an event has been triggered on a block that uses data from One-to-Many or Global Data tables or lookups, we store the One-to-Many and Global Data Table name and row in a new column for event activity exports.
Now customers can see which data table and row was triggering the event, which means customers can export insights into all clicks in data-based blocks. This data will be available in activity exports and the investigation tool.
Facebook Custom Audience Integration
- Facebook Custom Audience steps are expected to be 2-4 times faster than previous versions.
- Customers can now replace an audience on flow step, instead of having to remove the entire audience first and then add a new and updated audience.
Image Resizing for a Better End User Experience
Image resizing optimises the user experience for your recipients as Agillic automatically resizes images to the width and height as defined by the email author. Reducing image size translates directly to a reduction in load time for your recipients and a better experience.
We have run anonymized tests and simulation on image resizing and the result is a reduction of 60% on average and sometimes up to 99,8% - and this happens more often than you would think.
The look of the image is unchanged or most likely better since the recipient’s email program or browser don’t have to scale the image and you no longer have to worry about having scaling images or having multiple variants of the same image available.
Image resizing is only active for images where you have specified the size of the image in the email, either coded in the template or by the image properties when inserting the image in the email.
Other Improvements
- Customers are now able to use the investigations tool to see if Webhook and Adwords integration fails.
- Starting a flow that solely uses conditions with Person Data of the types String, Number, Data/Timestamp will be significantly faster because we now only evaluate the relevant recipients on flowstart. Speed depends on how many recipients a customer has and how many we are evaluating conditions for at flowstart. The fewer people to evaluate the faster the flow runs.