We have added more data points to our deliverability views, which enables our support team to engage in conversations with customers earlier than before.
Google Customer Match integration
Customers can now replace an audience on the flow step, instead of having to remove the entire audience first and then add a new and updated audience.
App Channel
Store push notification results in activity logs
Customers can now capture the response from the push notification provider (APNS or Firebase) when sending a push notification. This provides customers with an overview of which push notifications bounced and which were delivered successfully.
Registration details are available in conditions
Customers can now build conditions based on device properties, like OS name, OS version, device model and more. In this way customers can now communicate to people based on device knowledge.
Testing push notification
Customers can now test their push notifications through the interface by hitting the Test button and selecting who to send the test to, who to preview as and which app to send to.
Customers will also see better feedback when testing their push notifications.
Transfer metadata along with push content
Customers can now add, edit and remove Key-Value Pairs that can be used to transfer metadata along with push content. This metadata is then available to app developers to use through their app.