When you're creating content in the Channels module, you're able to view and edit the properties of your communication in the right sidebar, otherwise known as the properties panel.
Within the properties panel, there's the 'References' section. If you have clicked on one of the elements of your content, a list of links to other places where the element is in use appears here. This feature is useful if you want to, for example, locate which Flows have a specific email attached.
Let's take a look at an example. When you open an email's 'References' section, it links to the Flows where an email is in an email Step. You can then use the link as a quick shortcut to this Flow.
The References panel of an Email
The email references can be accessed when opening an email in the Email Editor. The emails can be found via Channels / Outbound / Email.
Flows references panel
Flow Step references can be accessed from clicking on the outbound steps in the Flow. The references panel will show in the bottom right side of the Flow designer.
Promotions references panel
Promotion references can be accessed from the Promotions tab. Click on a Promotion in the list of Promotions. The references panel is displayed in the Promotions details view below the Settings panel.
Target groups references panel
The Target Group references panel can be found when accessing a Target Group from Data / Target groups. Double click on a Target Group to view its details including Recipients / References and Work Log.