You might need to edit a live Flow if you notice a mistake in your Flow's set up or want to change a smaller setting. What you need to be aware of when editing your live Flow depends on the Flow's set up and whether recipients are currently going through your Flow or not. We only recommend editing a live Flow if absolutely necessary.
Agillic's Recommended Best Practice on Editing a Live Flow
Depending on what part of your Flow you need to edit, there are a few guidelines you need to consider.
Do a Status for your Flow
Doing a Status for your Flow will reveal if any recipients are still being processed in a Step. This could, for example, be if recipients are waiting to continue in a Wait for Period Step or a Wait for Date Step.
It's important for you to know if any recipients are currently waiting in a step as it can potentially influence the recipients if you edit the Flow.
If you want to kick all your recipients out of the Flow before making your changes to the Flow, you can consider kicking all recipients out by pausing the Flow.
Things to be mindful of when editing a Live Flow
Always! do the change to your Flow on the Staging Environment and then do a Publish to Production to ensure that your change updates correctly. If you change the Flow directly on the Production environment, you will overwrite the changes when you next Publish from Staging to Production.
Inserting a new Flow Step in a live Flow will not kick recipients currently present in other Flow Steps
Example: You have a Flow with multiple Wait for Period Steps where recipients wait a few days before continuing with your Flow. You insert a new Email Step at the end of your Flow. All recipients waiting in Wait for Period Steps remain in their respective steps and can receive the Email on your new Email Step.
Deleting a Flow Step with recipients present in the Flow Step will remove any recipients from the Flow. The Flow log those recipients will disappear as well.
Example: You delete a Flow Step in a live Flow where recipients were currently waiting to continue. The recipients currently in the Flow Step will finish the step when the period on your step ends.
Editing a Flow Step where recipients are present in the Flow Step will not kick the recipients present in the Flow Step. The change won't affect any recipients present in the Flow Step - only Recipients entering after the change.