When you import a file into Agillic, it might return a 'Failed' status. This means that the import file failed while importing. In order to get the file to import successfully, you'll need to troubleshoot it.
In this article, you'll find information about:
How to Investigate a Failed Import File
Firstly, we recommend that you check if your import file follows the correct format for the data type included in your Import file. It could be one of the following types of data formats.
If your data type is correct, follow the steps below.
- Log in to Staging or Production, depending on if you want to investigate a Staging import or a Production import.
- Open the Data module and select 'Import' from the left sidebar.
- Click on your failed import in the table. 'X Errors Found in the File' will appear below the table explaining what type of error(s) caused the import file to fail.
- Click the 'Download' button which appears under the 'Details' column in the import file table.
- Unzip the .zip file and open the log file inside.
- The log file will contain information on which row(s) of the import file is causing the error. The Import Error codes format is as follows: Row number: Error Code: Cause of error code.
- Edit your import file according to the error(s). See Table 1 to see examples of error messages.
If you import blank values for one or more data fields, the blank value will overwrite any existing value in the field for the particular recipient.
If you don't have access to the import file itself, you can access it by using WebDAV to log onto Agillic's Import Folder. You can learn how to setup WebDAV here.
This is an import file that failed during import. A uniqueness error was found saying that the first column in the file is not the Recipient ID registered in the Settings module in the Person Data subsection. You can find out more information by clicking 'Download' and reviewing the log file.
Examples of Error Code Messages for Failed Import Files
Import Error Code Examples | Import Error Code Explanations |
Header Error: The tableName is not matched as a valid Global Data Table | Change your header so it contains the name of a valid Global Data Table in one of the Agillic environments |
Header Error: The header did not contain any table name |
This error message can e.g. occur if there is a delimiter error in the header. It could be that there is a delimiter in the end of the header, which will result in an error, as a delimiter is a separator of two values. |
3: VALUE_FORMAT_ERROR; Error during parsing; Value=Test All entries should be in the format <dd-MM-yyyy> | The value in Row 3 doesn't follow the date format for the Agillic instance. You can define the supported date in System Settings under Import |
2: FIELD_NUMBER_ERROR: Not enough fields in the row |
In row 2, there's a mismatch between the number of header columns and columns on this row. In this case, there are not enough fields in the row. This error message often occurs when your import file contains one or more line breaks. |
4: USERID_UNIQUENESS_ERROR: person data is not correct 'EMAIL' value is null |
On row 4, the first column value is empty. Since the first column always has to be a unique identifier, the file cannot identify which recipient the data should save to. |
5: UNIQUENESS_ERROR: The row with Recipient ID = ... is skipped ... tried to insert not unique value to a unique field. |
Since the values in the field recipient ID must be unique, the file can't import a non-unique field to a unique field if this value is already in use. |
Table 1: Import Error Code Examples
We recommend that when you're troubleshooting the failed import file, you should open it in a pure text format such as .txt or .csv. This might help you locate the source of the error as formats such as .xlsx might hide errors behind the styling.
Import System Settings
Once you've pinpointed the error causing your import file to fail, you might want to change import settings for your Agillic instance.
For example, it could be that your import file contained a wrong delimiter, in which case you might want to change the delimiter you used for the instance rather than changing the delimiter in your import file.
You can change your import system settings by:
- Open the Settings module.
- Open the 'Import' subsection.
- Locate which setting you need to change.
- Click 'Save' when done - your changes take effect immediately.
The Import section in the Settings module. Here, you can change the file delimiter, decimal separator, date format, and timestamp format for your import files