It's possible to investigate a Flow to understand how a specific recipient went through the Flow. This can provide insight into specific recipient data and if they received a communication successfully, as well as information about whether a recipient skipped certain Steps and why. It can also provide information if a recipient has failed the Flow and then work as a troubleshooting tool.
How to Investigate a Flow
- Log in to the Staging or Production environment, depending on if the recipient you want to investigate is a test or live recipient.
- Open the Flows module.
- Navigate to the Flow that you want to investigate.
- Open the Flow.
- Click on the Investigator Icon in the Flow toolbar.
- The view will change to the Investigator View.
- Fill in the Recipient ID of the recipient you want to investigate the Flow for.
- Click the 'Search' button.
- A preview of your recipient's data will appear in the box below. To change the data shown, click the drop-down menu to select another data view.
- Below your recipient's data, you will find a log of all executions. If you don't see any executions in the log, it means that your recipient did not pass through the Flow.
- Click on the execution in the log.
- The recipient's journey through the Flow will appear on the left.
- Click on a Step to get more information.
- The status box will include a small text describing how the recipient went through the Step.
The colour coding represents how the recipient went through the Step:
Green Step - The recipient successfully completed the Step.
Grey Step - The recipient skipped the Step
Red Step - The recipient was unsuccessful in completing the Step. If you click on the Step, you will see a description of why the recipient failed to complete it.
Investigating a Flow for a recipient where the recipient has successfully received an email
Note that a silent flow can not be investigated in the Flow investigation tool. A silent flow is a flow that solely consists of Data or Export Steps.