- Do we offer a built-in tracking service for App Push?
We do not offer a built-in tracking service for App Push. Instead we suggest that you track yourself and import the data into Agillic. This data can be used to build conditions.
- What are the benefits of using data messages?
Firebase Cloud Messaging allows you to send messages in normal push notification format and in data format. When sending a Push Notification in a data format, you will send silent 'data' Push Notifications to your app without notifying the recipient. This is valuable as it allows your app developer to work with the data sent from Agillic into the app. - What can you use the App Push APIs for?
The App Push APIs are intended to configure the App Push channel and can be used to register devices and gather consent. Registration is needed to identify the devices where the Push Notification should arrive. Consent is needed to confirm that the user approves to receive the pushes. Users can withdraw their consent in order not to receive notifications, but they can also unregister. It is our recommendation that app developers are only able to access the App API credentials as this gives them access to only the App Push channel. - Can I link directly to a page in my app?
Yes you can, however, it does not work out of the box. The app needs to be set up to handle deeplink. Click Action allows you to send the recipient to a specific place within your app or to a website page when they click on the Push Notification on their device. If ‘Click Action’ is not switched on and defined, the app will just open up on the app's default start screen when the recipient clicks on the Push Notification.
- How many Push Notifications/messages can you send at once?
Firebase allows up to 1.500.000 messages per minute. For more information, read here.