This article will give you an overview of the App Push channel, how it works and GDPR.
Introduction to App Push
The App Push channel is an end-to-end solution in Agillic that allows you to create and send Push Notifications to your recipients’ mobile devices. The channel is integrated into the platform with its own interface, where you can configure Push Notifications. As in other channels you can configure and execute flows to send Push Notifications to target groups and here you will have full control of which recipients get what Push Notifications and when.
The App Push channel consists of two separate spaces. One for app registration and configuration, and one with a text editor for setting up the Push Notifications. Note that the mobile app itself is not provided by Agillic.
In order to send a Push Notification to a recipient they must be registered as a valid recipient on your Agillic instance, in particular a device must be registered to the recipient. Agillic provides an API for device registration that can be used directly from your app or to integrate with your backend solutions.
With the App Push channel, you can set up Push Notifications in the Agillic UI by defining a title, a body, an image and a click action. You can also use dynamic content fields and promotions on the title, body, image and click action, as well as set up your Push Notifications with the Agillic language versioning and custom notification fields (customised sounds, badges, etc.). This means that you can personalise your Push Notifications to ensure that your recipients find your communication beneficial and relevant. Lastly, the channel supports Firebase cloud messaging allowing you to send silent 'data' push notifications to their app. Read more about that here. You can both preview and test your final Push Notifications in the App Push editor.
Consent to Push Notifications
Recipients may be required to give consent to Push Notifications in order to be GDPR compliant (consult your data controller for advice). You might collect this consent from other sources than Agillic - such as your CRM, ERP or in your app directly - but despite how you collect it, you will have an opportunity to store the consent on the recipient in Agillic.
As part of the App Push offering, you will get a “Consent to Push Notifications” feature, which allows you to store consent to Push Notifications in Agillic.
The “Consent to Push Notifications” feature is an “opt in” for recipients. Push Notifications sent via a flow will automatically exclude recipients that have not given consent from a target group. Note that this feature is enabled by default.
If you do not wish to use this feature, please contact your representative at Agillic to disable this feature.