You can personalise an outbound communication or portal page by inserting Person data, Global Data, or data from a Unique Lookup.
The process is the same for emails, print, webpages and advisor pages, but slightly different when merging data into an SMS body or SMS sender field.
How to Insert Personalised Text Into Email, Print, Webpages, or Advisor Pages
- Log in to Staging.
- Open the Channels module.
- Click on the folder holding the communication you're personalising.
- Click on the field in the Content Block you wish to edit.
- Click on the 'Personalise' panel in the right sidebar.
- Choose the Person Data or Global Data you want to insert from the drop-down and click it. If you have created a Unique Lookup, the lookup will appear in the list too. The data will be inserted as a placeholder text, e.g. ${FIRSTNAME}, ${YEAR} or ${NAMEOFUNIQUELOOKUP.FIELDNAME}.
- Publish to Production to go live with changes.
The communication will now display a personalised text that will change, depending on the recipient's data. We recommend that you test your communication when you have inserted personalised text to make sure it will look as expected to your recipients.
How to insert recipients' first name into an Email