Item filters allow you to hide unused items from the interface. Over time, you may end up with lots of automatically-generated Events or other disused items you want to keep for analytic purposes. Often, these elements take up unnecessary space in drop-down menus. You can set up item filters to sort through the noise.
Item Filters
In Agillic, you can use regular expressions to filter through items in the interface. Regular expressions are sequences of characters which define a search pattern. Look up 'regular expressions' online for a more in-depth explanation of their grammar.
Most commonly, you will use the expression '.*', a full stop followed by an asterisk. If you enter a phrase with a full stop then an asterisk at the start and the end, this filters the results to match the phrase.
Here are some examples of regular expressions you can use for filtering.
Regular Expression | Description | Example of found value | Example of not found value |
.*2016.* |
Any item containing '2016' |
Newsletter June 2016 2016 Christmas campaign |
Newsletter June 2017 Newsletter June 16 |
.*SoMe.* | Any item containing 'SoMe' |
SoMe Facebook SoMe Google Plus |
some facebook Social Media Google Plus |
Newsletter\b201[6-8]\b.* | Any item starting with 'Newsletter' followed by a year between 2016-2018 |
Newsletter 2016 campaign Newsletter 2018 Christmas |
2017 Newsletter Campaign Newsletter 2015 image
How to setup Item Filters
- Open the Administration module by selecting the settings icon in the top right corner.
- In the left sidebar, select Item Filters under the System Settings section.
- You have the option to create filters for either Events, Person Data, or Promotions and Propositions. Select the 'Add new filter' button under the item you'd like to filter.
- An input field appears where you can enter a regular expression. If you'd like to add more than one filter, just select 'Add new filter' again.
- Click the 'Save' button once you've finished.
Item Filter which will hide any Event named 'Event' followed by anything