One-to-Many Data allows you to store data about your recipients such as their order histories, personal recommendations, or subscriptions. When setting up a campaign, you might need One-to-Many Data for your Target Group, for a One-to-Many Block or a Data Lookup.
Once you've checked your One-To-Many Tables, ensuring that you have all the One-to-Many Tables you need, you might want to check what values your recipients have in a specific One-to-Many Table.
How to Check Recipients One-to-Many Data
- Create a Target Group.
- Open the Conditions panel.
- Set your Conditions to reflect the One-to-Many table you want to check. Example: All - One-to-Many - PURCHASES - Exists - Condition met. Learn about One-to-Many Conditions here.
- Click 'Save'.
- Click the 'Recipients' panel to fold-out the recipients' overview.
- Click on 'Edit OTM' for the One-to-Many table you want to investigate.
- A pop-up will appear with the One-to-Many editor. Verify that the recipient has the One-to-Many data that you need.
If you can't see the One-to-Many table you've chosen to check in the Recipients overview, you will need to change your Details View.
Finding a recipient with data in the PURCHASES One-to-Many table and preparing to investigate the table's data