A Recipients Export allows to export all of the recipients from a specific send-out. Some useful use cases could be: investigating when/if a specific recipient opened or clicked on an email, or understanding why some recipients have triggered an error during a send-out.
In the following lines, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to create a Recipients Export.
How to create a Recipients Export
We will start by creating a new Report (How to Create a Report) with the specific Report Type: Recipients Export:
- Once here, select the Event types you want to include in the Recipients Export.
- Press on the REFRESH button to generate the export.
- Click the newly generated Recipient Export button–a pop-up window will appear.
- Select which file type you want to export the file by clicking on the drop-down Select file type.
- It is possible to include timestamps by selecting the checkboxes Include Opened (Timestamp) and/or Include Clicked (Timestamp).
- Drag the data you want to include in your Recipients Export from the Available Data list to the Selected Data list.
- Click the EXPORT button–the Recipients Export will download to your computer.
Note that it might take a while for a bigger Recipients Export to finish downloading.
A Recipients Export during set up