If you want to limit how many emails Agillic sends out at a time, you can create a batch execution. Sending out in batches helps avoid heavy traffic on an external site since many people open and click their emails shortly after receiving them.
Use Case Example
Agillic Candy wants to send out a newsletter to 50,000 recipients. However, since they link to their brand new website in the email, they're worried that too many recipients might visit the site at the same time. To minimise heavy traffic, they decide to send out their email in batches of 15,000 recipients with a new batch sent every hour.
How to Create a Batch Execution
- Create an Email if necessary.
- Create a Flow.
- Add an Email Step with your email attached.
- Create a Target Group if necessary.
- Add the Target Group to your Flow.
- Make sure the email is tested and verified before adding a schedule to your Flow.
- Add a schedule listing how often the Flow should send emails. Make sure the number of executions matches the number of batches you want. If in doubt, add some extra time. If there's an empty batch, that never means extra emails will be sent out.
- Click on the 'Settings' section in the right sidebar.
- Fill in the date of send-out in the 'First allowed entry date' field and the 'Last allowed entry date' field.
- Fill in how many recipients you want to include in each batch in the 'Max recipients per execution' field.
- Set 'Max repetition per recipient' to 1 to avoid sending multiple emails to the same recipient.
- Click 'OK'.
- Click 'Save' in the Flow sidebar.
You've now created and configured a batch execution.
Agillic Candy's Target Group has 50,000 recipients. They set up a Flow and configure it to have a first allowed entry date '21.07.2017' and last allowed entry date '21.07.2017'. They set max recipients per execution to 15,000 since they want to send out in batches of 15,000 recipients. They set max repetition per recipient to 1 to ensure that the same recipient won't get the email twice. Since the Flow has a schedule that executes every hour between the hours 12 and 20, the Flow will finish sending to all recipients after 4 executions.