Data is the driving force behind Agillic as it helps to personalise your communications and create target groups to ensure that your recipients receive the information that is relevant to them. With Agillic, you can easily import data into our instance and export data for in-depth analyses outside Agillic.
In the following lines, you will learn about all the possibilities for data imports and exports that Agillic offers.
How do you import data into Agillic?
Importing via the Interface
To manually upload a local file go into the Data module and then access the Import section in the left sidebar.
Note that the maximum import file size for this method is 100 MB.
Importing via the WebDAV Import Folder
The WebDAV is an extension of the HTTPS protocol which allows you to upload, download and view web content from an Agillic Instance–useful to bulk import files (Read more about accessing your WebDav folders).
Note that the maximum import file size for this method is 128 MB.
Importing via the File Import Service
You can use the File Import Service to set up automatic imports of your files. You can read technical specifications on our developer's portal (Read more about the File Import Service).
Note that the maximum import file size for this method is 64 MB.
Importing via SFTP
To upload a file to the File Import Service via an SFTP connection, use the following hostname:
s port:2222
The credentials are located in Settings > Integrations > API - File Import (Read more about importing via SFTP).
Note File Import Service SFTP method does not have a hard upper limit on file size. However, we recommend an upper limit of ~200 MB.
How do you export data?
Exporting data is helpful for in-depth analyses outside of Agillic or when you need to send the data to another system.
Recipients Export
This type of export is accessed through the Reports module and is a great choice for one-time exports (How to Create a Recipients Export) as it provides all the recipient's data for a specific send-out. The Recipients Export comes in handy when you need to investigate if a specific recipient opened/clicked an email, or find out why some recipients have triggered an error during a send-out.
A Recipients Export during set up.
Activity Export
Activity Exports (accessed via Data > Export) include all data for a given date range across an entire channel, providing valuable insights on your outbound communications. Activity Exports can be scheduled to reoccur at regular intervals, and the exported data is suited for analysis in an external data analysis tool–you could, for example, export email activity data for the last 7 days.
Configuring an Activity Export to export Email, SMS, Events, and Promotions to a WebDAV server.
What is a Flow Execution ID in Agillic?
The Flow Execution ID enables you to uniquely identify a flow execution. When enabled, the Flow Execution ID will be added as a column to Activity Exports.
You can enable exporting Flow Execution ID globally by:
- Navigate to the Settings module
- Go to System Settings > Export
- Scroll down until you find Activity Exports and check Include Execution ID in Activity Exports
Enabling the inclusion of the Execution ID column in Activity Exports.
With the Flow Execution ID, you can easily analyse the performance for unique execution in third-party data analysis tools.
Export Flow
Export Flows allow you to define specific data fields and specific target groups on your export. For example, you might want to export the values for the One-to-Many table "Subscriptions" where the recipients are in the Target Group "Recent Buyers".
As this type of export is configured as a Flow, schedules and triggers can be used–this means you can run weekly exports to analyse your data.
In the following lines, you will learn how to create an Export Profile, essential to set up an Export Flow.
Note that all files exported to the Agillic WebDAV will be deleted 7 days after the "last modified" date–ensure to download and perform a backup of files you wish to store beyond this.
Inserting an Export Step, and attaching an Export Profile and Export Template.
What is an Export Profile?
An Export Profile is a prerequisite for creating an Export Flow or an Activity Data export.
The Export Profile determines where the data is exported to. The available options are:
- Folder - WebDAV folder included with the instance (follows the URL format below)
In the example below, please replace the placeholder text with the relevant values.
Link - https://{PLACEHOLDER}-{stag/prod}
Example -
- SFTP - An externally hosted SFTP server of your choice
- FTP - An externally hosted FTP server of your choice
- Email - Email with a zipped file attached, sent to an email address of your choice
In general WebDAV/SFTP is the recommended option in terms of speed, safety, and reliability.
Selecting the type of Export Profile "Folder (WebDAV)", and configuring it to place files in a folder named "MartinH".
What is an Export Template?
An Export Template is a prerequisite for Export Flows. The Export Template determines what type of data you want to export.
Creating an Export Template of the type "Person and Activity Data".
Another option is to retrieve data via API calls which is especially useful when making small-volume automated requests (Read more about our API endpoint).
GDPR Export
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you can export all stored data for a specific recipient. This is known as a GDPR export and is accessible directly from the Agillic Start Page under the Recipient Information widget.
The GDPR export will contain the following data:
- All Person Data
- All One-to-Many data (One export file per table)
- All Activity Data (One export file per activity type)
The export files will be stored as a .zip file with "recipient_" and the recipient ID as the name.
For example, a GDPR export of a recipient ID "12345678" will be called:
The export files are stored in a "gdpr" folder in your WebDAV export folder.
In the example below, please replace the placeholder text with the relevant values.
Link - https://{PLACEHOLDER}
Example -
Initiating a GDPR Export for a single recipient
First, make sure you have the recipient ID of the recipient you wish to export.
- Open the Startpage by clicking the Agillic logo
- Locate the Recipient Information Widget
- Fill in the recipient ID in the search field
- Click the Search button
- Click GDPR Export
A recipient in the Recipient Information widget ready for a GDPR export.